First off, where I make a majority of my money online is at a website called Ehow. You can view my profile and read my articles here. Basically, you write articles on how to do stuff, and they place different types of advertisements on your article. When an ad is clicked, it generates income for Ehow, which they share with you. I am not making a ton of money with this site, but it is enough to buy a new bowling ball every two to three months.
The second way to make money online is to create yourself a blog. With a blog, you can place advertisements and affiliate links on your page and you do not share the income with anyone but yourself. The problem with this is that it is much harder to get traffic to your blog as compared to a site like Ehow. Check this page out for a free website that provides you with an easy way to place affiliate links on your blog or webpage.
If you can spend some of your free time working on the internet, as opposed to sitting on the couch watching tv, you could very well be earning income. The greatest part is that once the money is coming in, it does not stop. It will keep coming in every month, especially if you keep fresh posts on your page. I wish everyone out there luck, but remember, this is not easy. It has taken me a year to get to where I am at. But if you stick with it, you will be buying yourself new bowling balls whenever you want!
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