Wednesday, August 12, 2009

How to Bowl a 300, the Perfect Game

Bowling a perfect game is very difficult. Many people have gotten very close, but throwing your bowling ball the last frame for your last strike can make you very nervous. However, with the right mindset you can do it.

First of all, there is no magic equation to bowling a perfect game. If there was, some touring pros would do it almost every game. Sometimes the pins do not fall, and sometimes they do. The one thing to remember is that bowling well has a lot to do with your mental game, and getting nervous or not having confidence can affect your game. So step one is to have confidence in yourself and try not to get nervous.

If you have strung out a good many strikes in a row, maintain your confidence. If you have six strikes in a row, for example, do not think you have six more to go, think one more. Then think 1 more again. Eventually, you will only have one more for the 300.

Finally, do not be superstitious. If something happens that makes you step off, then you will think about that. Try to relax and throw good shots. Remember, this article does not guarantee you will throw a 300, but if you are close, stay confident and you can succeed!

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